Open – Church – Orlando Lopez

The Lord is with us, He’s with our children, He’s with our spouses, He’s with our family members, He’s in our homes, He’s in our churches, He’s in our lives. He promises us that He will never leave us- but we need to pray.” We need to fall to the feet of Jesus no matter […]

Season Finale – Sabbath Vespers – July 11th | Pastor Walter Castro

[ad_1] Season Finale – Sabbath Vespers – July 11th | Pastor Walter Castro Season Finale – Sabbath Vespers Open church July 11th | Pastor Walter Castro Florida Conference #openchurch #iglesiaabierta [ad_2]

Ver Seven Weeks of Prayer- Pastor Lopez

[ad_1] Ver Seven Weeks of Prayer- Pastor Lopez Join us this evening at 8 pm as Orlando Lopez, Vice President for Pastoral Ministries leads us in prayer as we prepare for the impactful Evangelistic series, PIVOT- learning to shift directions as we continue towards our ultimate destination. For more information, visit Ver traducción [ad_2]